Root Canal Retreatment in Worcester

Root Canal Retreatment

Have you experienced a failed root canal procedure? Root canal
treatments can last a lifetime but sometimes your tooth fails to heal or
develops new problems. You still have a second chance to save the tooth
through a root canal retreatment. If you have pain in a previously
treated tooth, your endodontist will talk to you about retreatment. It’s
important to note that your initial treatment might not have failed but
your tooth may have developed a new problem.

Why a root canal may fail.

A root canal treatment may fail because of one or more of the
following reasons:

  • Delays in crown placement exposing the root to infection

  • Saliva contamination to the inside of the tooth

  • Undetected complicated canal anatomy

  • Curved or narrow canals were not treated

Is root canal retreatment the best choice?

Retreatment is the best choice if you would like to preserve your
natural teeth after a failed root canal procedure.

If a new problem has developed, retreatment is still your best choice
to save the tooth.

As with all other dental procedures, there is a risk of failure but
your endodontist will discuss the chances of success depending on your
individual case.

If you are having a retreatment years after your previous procedure,
chances are, you will receive a more advanced form of treatment now
because of technology advancements. A root canal done years ago is
different from one that’s done today.

What to expect with root canal retreatment

  • If you have already discussed retreatment with your endodontist,
    they’ll start by reopening your tooth to access the root.

  • Your endodontist will remove the canal filling and examine the
    inside of your tooth.

  • Your endodontist will then clean your canals and search for any
    complicated canal anatomy as well as curved or narrow canals.

  • After cleaning your canals, they’ll place a temporary filling and
    advise you of the best time to return to your dentist for crown

To learn more about root canal retreatment and other alternative
procedures, speak with our endodontists.